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Old Yesterday, 05:30 PM
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MuddyBoots MuddyBoots is offline
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I went in Monday to a trauma hospital, was transferred during the week to a psych hospital, and was discharged yesterday after an overdose on substances I am not prescribed and severe cutting. I got zero psych treatment other than the availability of “groups” (which as someone who has been to this hospital over 20 times once a stay of a 7 weeks I know they rotate the same ones out every two weeks, and I have been through all of them countless times). I did go to the discussion ones, but the ones where I just fill out my warning signs for the 20th time, I skipped.

Anyway, I’m really not doing better. I don’t feel I should go back, just like I don’t feel I should have gone the first time (which everyone disagrees with, but whatever). I might actually feel worse now after that. At this time I’m capable of sayin/doing things to not be forced in, but not super confident I’ll keep that in the near future.

I do see my outpatient pdoc on Monday, but I’ve already accepted that as far as meds/psychiatry goes, this is as good as it’ll get until I have the option every night of sleeping in a bedroom I’m not terrified to be in.

There’s probably a 60% chance I’m going to “hurt” myself like that again (I wouldn’t really use the word “hurt,” because it was quite the opposite, but I digress). Obviously if I do and they find out I’ll have to go back anyway. If I do and they don’t find out, I’d be fine. If I don’t, I’ll be “fine” of course too.

I just feel so hopeless. I mean, at this point do I just spend my life at the state hospital? Do I get myself put in prison? Do I stop treatment and raw dog being mentally ill like every one else?
[Insert thought-provoking and comedic quote here]

Old Today, 08:20 AM
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I am sorry to hear how rough things are for you @MuddyBoots

You seem to be asking what to do. Why not ask your pdoc what options are available? My friend had ECT and that helped them live a more normal life. I do not know what would be best for you bult maybe pdoc would if you have an open minded approach.


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"Things Take Time"
Old Today, 10:58 AM
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MuddyBoots MuddyBoots is offline
Monster on the Hill
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(I'm warning you, I'm writing this after a night of non-prescribed substances and before my ADHD meds have started working full force so....)


I"ve been working with my pdoc for almost a year, and probably 7 outpatient docs/nurse practitioners and many more inpatient over the past decade. I can't take antipsychotics, lithium, or tegretol as they are on my allergy list. I can't take antidepressants because I'm bipolar I. I've had over 20 rounds of ECT in the past and all it did was make me feel like an incompetent dumbass who can't find her way to places I've gone to nearly every day for five years and make people pissed at me because I needed a 2+hour ride for being at a hospital half a day and back.

I'm on Depakote right now and my VA level is about 80, so they could in theory go up on that and increase the side effects I have now of fatigue, headaches, nausea, and brain fog to the point I "legally" drive even though it's probably less safe than if I were unmedicated but just slammed two shots of vodka.

Possible trigger:

This morning when I met my med person for meds I think she could tell I was fked up (my mom answered the door, pretty sure I woke up then and heard "I think she's still asleep" and heard my name called, so I go to see her. I could NOT walk straight, and my speech was a little off but whose isn't when they just wake up after sleeping 12 hours due to 10x the dose a doctor normally prescribes for a benzo and three times the dose I *am* prescribed for sleep meds (I took 5mg of melatonin too but honestly they're my mom's and I just felt like while I'm making for a good night I'd add a gummy for some fun)?). Anyway, she said she'd call later "when I'm more awake." She could be thinking I was drinking too because I called the team (spoke to someone else) about going out to get food and I'm low on groceries and my mom said she'd give me a ride because she needs stuff too. We would go get dinner before (by the way, I saw one of those mapporn reddit posts saying BurgerKing is the worst fast chain restaurant in NH based on popular opinion and I believe it. We used to only go there for shakes, it was always down, and I know that's a general "fast food" thing, but literally we could go six times a week and only get a shake on the day we said "fk it, we'll go get the stuff from Market Basket)) but when we went food shopping the person I talked to said if I get too overwhelmed (my eating disorder is starting to get bad again, blame new years, I didn't really notice until I read my notes from the hospital stay and I wasn't showing up to meals and they'd ask a few hours later after I'd calm down if I wanted eat and I was "visibly panicked" and said no.)

I don't even know what I'm writing at this point. But basically this time they didn't really go through diagnosis stuff and treatment, but said "mayybe there's a mild or even moderate bipolar aspect to it, but we both know if we messed with your meds in any way we've done before, there is a near certainty you'd get worse." They put CPTSD as my primary diagnosis which was new I guess. I've never seen them go outside the DSM (before they did put PTSD-dissociative type though, but that is in the DSM now).

I ripped all my steri-strips off yesterday too (I told them I would, they told me not to "they're there for a reason," but it's been five days since the first ones and 3 for the last three, and all except those last three were coming off and would've come off in the next shower anyway).

I'm listening to Nessa Barrett- noose on repeat. It's triggering if you can't tell by the title, but it's a song I could've written myself right now (though I would've made it more post-punk-ish, but would include a stripped cover).

There doesn't seem to be a lot of consistency between when my team makes me go IP or not though. Last year I had to go involuntary because I just didn't eat (wasn't even eating disorder IP because I "wasn't sick enough" for that despite being "too sick" for PHP). Once I did go to the ER willing to go voluntary because I had not had a wink of sleep in three days, (needed four stitches), was tortured by racing thoughts, and was hallucinating. I got a freaking hydroxyzine and kicked out of the building at 2am in a New Hampshire February with no ride to a home a 30+ minute drive away. Does it depend on the quality and content of your jokes?


I mean, my first "serious" suicide attempt was 13 years ago, and I've had 6 "serious attempts" since then and a bunch of other times where I was just thinking something would be good for shitsngiggles that "would've killed people," and here I am, so it's not like I'd EVER need to go unless I was a threat to others, which I can get away from others.

If you look at whatever tf I've been diagnosed with in just the past two years both psych and physical wise, you'd never know where to begin because symptoms look so similar (either schizoaffective or bipolar, BPD, ADHD, PTSD(?), and disordered eating that comes and goes, but in my mind the sza/bipolar is just this thing I have because my dad had it and the rest is probably just from trauma/neglect and someone could "fit" DSM criteria for one but be treated way more effectively by the other) and I am more of a "it's probably this, but for all I know it's this, this this, or even that," and the thought process changes all the time.
Possible trigger:

So, see, proof I am perfectly fine. But that's not how they'll see it.
[Insert thought-provoking and comedic quote here]

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